Meet  Destiny
Destiny Pickens

Destiny works exclusively with high-achieving Christian women, teaching them foundational mindset principles, from a biblical perspective so they can thrive in their life and business with confidence, clarity, and purpose.

Growing up had its moments of difficulty as I developed Tourette's syndrome by the age of four. Doctors had told my parents that it was a condition I would grow out of by the age of 13. However, my Tourette's only progressed. As a pre-teen and into my teenage years, I would attempt to hide the fact that I had Tourette's. I would be embarrassed and ashamed of who I was.

Ever since I could remember, I've been an entrepreneur at heart and chased after the things I wanted. However, I would find myself quickly burning out, pursuing the world's ideal of "success" and the never-ending approval and acceptance from those around me.

In 2018, the wonderful gift of coaching had entered my life. Working with a coach allowed me the space to uncover what I really wanted and what was holding me back. The answer? Me. I was holding myself back.

I had unknowingly carried deep-rooted beliefs about who I am, my worth, and my ability to be successful. Through coaching and Holy Spirit deliverance, I found healing.

Scripture became so life-giving and more applicable to my life than it ever had before. It was in my search of knowing God more intimately that I discovered more intimately who I am. Old thought patterns of unworthiness and inadequacy were brought to the light.

Once something comes into the light, it can no longer hide in the darkness. It becomes easier to identify and take hold of. This gives a whole new depth of revelation to the passage:
"Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5

I see so many women battling with the same thoughts and mental hang-ups I once had. Now, I am on a mission to help women who have been called into business to overcome the fear of failure and doubt so that they achieve their goals and fulfill the desires God entrusted them with.

This is my story...

The Transformative Power of Coaching

 Empowering Kingdom
 Women in Business

Overcoming Adversity

Embracing God's Calling

a secret

Sweet roll candy croissant oat cake marshmallow tootsie roll topping pudding. Dragée candy canes lemon drops cake fruitcake pastry. Ice cream jujubes gummi bears candy canes gummies jelly beans tart gummies. Gummies chupa chups jujubes sweet roll toffee cotton candy icing.

Serving  Jesus and His Kingdom!

My sanctuary

Sweet roll candy croissant oat cake marshmallow tootsie roll topping pudding. Dragée candy canes lemon drops cake fruitcake pastry. Ice cream jujubes gummi bears candy canes gummies jelly beans tart gummies. Gummies chupa chups jujubes sweet roll toffee cotton candy icing.

My Hubby Chris 
& Our Luna Girl

go back

Sweet roll candy croissant oat cake marshmallow tootsie roll topping pudding. Dragée candy canes lemon drops cake fruitcake pastry. Ice cream jujubes gummi bears candy canes gummies jelly beans tart.

My reading Nook 

get to know me

my methodology 

I am a born-again believer, and my coaching philosophy is centered on Christ. I believe that true transformation begins with aligning your mindset with biblical principles and God's word. By anchoring my methodology in this foundation, I help you cultivate a mindset that is not only empowered but also grounded in faith.

At the core of my methodology is the process of building belief and confidence in yourself and your business. I understand that many women entrepreneurs struggle with self-doubt, fear, and negative thought patterns that hold them back from achieving their full potential. Through my coaching, I guide you in identifying and challenging these limiting beliefs, replacing them with empowering and biblically-based perspectives that foster self-belief and confidence in your entrepreneurial journey.

My expertise as a goal-setting strategist enables you to set clear and actionable goals that align with your values and aspirations. By combining my mindset coaching with practical goal-setting strategies, I empower you to take purposeful steps towards achieving your entrepreneurial dreams while staying true to your faith.


Building Bold Belief

Strategic Goal-Setting

my transformative coaching method
 is built upon three non-negotiable pillars

it's time to believe bigger my friend. 


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